I tried searching the net for a way to download it but weirdly enough it seems it's reserved only for Businesses now and there is no download link available from the web because everyone who has it streamed it using the google updater. I believe I got it with my free GooglePack from their site which has now been discontinued.

Firefox: New extension may work without Desktop RoboForm installed. Note: The only thing with this solution is you need to have the googleapps.exe file on your machine. Stopped using Google service to get RoboForm data icons, instead use our own icon. i've heard Google Apps haven't been tested fully on Windows 7 but it's obvious the same tag works with it. I'm not sure why Google can't solve this issue easily. Using this method prevents you from having to download the GMail Notifier, which for those of us with GTalk don't need since it does it for us.

That's it! Save and close it and it should work beautifully! Simply type "run" in your search bar, then type "regedit" then travel to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\mailto\shell\open\command\Įdit (double click) "(Default)" to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Apps\googleapps.exe" -domain="%1" Also I saved the existing value just in case it didn't work. Simply follow the instructions below but close down all applications before making changes to the Registry. In the footnotes it mentions 'googleapps.exe' - I don't have this and it has still worked. I found this answer on a Google forum that has worked me.